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John Savill FAQs on IT Pro

Looking at items related to AD objects and when support for a Windows 10 channel ends

John Savill's Frequently Asked Questions

Three times a week (Monday/Wednesday/Friday), John Savill tackles your most pressing IT questions.

Read through the FAQ archives, or send him your questions via email.

Q. How can I rename an Organizational Unit?
Q. How can I bulk rename AD objects?
Q. Does the 18 month support for a Windows 10 semi-annual channel start from the pilot or broad deployment time?

Q. How can I rename an Organizational Unit?
Dept - Active Directory

A. There is no direct Organizational Unit rename cmdlet, instead the Rename-ADObject cmdlet is used, for example:

Rename-ADObject <OU distinguished name> -NewName "<new name>"

Q. How can I bulk rename AD objects?
Dept - Active Directory

A. With PowerShell its easy to bulk rename objects. The best way is to find the objects you want to rename then go through for each object. For example below I search for all OUs under another OU which I search for by name.

$BasePath = (Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -LDAPFilter "(Name=CorpLocations)").DistinguishedName

$OUs = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -filter * -searchbase $BasePath -SearchScope OneLevel

foreach ($OU in $OUs)
Rename-ADObject $OU.DistinguishedName -NewName "Savill$($OU.Name)"

Q. Does the 18 month support for a Windows 10 semi-annual channel start from the pilot or broad deployment time?
Dept - Windows 10

A. Windows 10 will have two releases a year, spring and fall, and the semi-annual channels are supported for 18 months. Initially a semi-annual channel is releases in a pilot mode, it is intended to be used for testing its readiness within an organization. Four months later it is stamped as ready for broad deployment. The 18 months starts from the time the channel is released, i.e. the pilot release time.

Note in addition to the pilot release there are insider builds that are released even earlier which organizations should be used to gain early insight into changes coming.

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